Who: All families and friends of Eduwings
When: Sat., Sept. 7, 11 am – 2 pm
Where: Shunyi Campus
Dear Parents,
We warmly invite you to our annual “Welcome Back Summer Party” in our Shunyi Campus on Saturday, September 7th from 11 am to 2 pm. This year the theme of our party will be loosely connected to our August/September theme. The party motto will be “people from all over the world”.
This exciting event in our kindergarten will be our first event of the year and is a great opportunity for all our parents to get to know the school better and celebrate the beginning of this new kindergarten year with us!
During this event all families can enjoy many fun games from all over the world, parents can get to know each other, and also meet the new teachers and talk with them. Through the games we will explore different countries and cultures, and strengthen our feeling of belonging together and being one big, happy family here in Eduwings. We will also share delicious food during the event!
11.00 am: Arrival of families
12.30 pm: Let the games begin!
1 – 2 pm: Buffet
2 pm : End of games/party
These exciting activities are waiting for you:
- Various games related to different countries
- Face Painting
- Jumping Castle
- Bracelets making
- And many more!
What do you need to prepare for the party?
- Please dress your family members in traditional costumes if possible.
- Please bring traditional food of your country / hometown if possible.
We much look forward to seeing you at the event!