For all our little learners of German out there, here are some German activities for you to enjoy at home!
Circle Time
Hello, dear children!
Let’s get started with a little review of the month of the year with this lovely song:
How many months does a year have? Can you count up to that number in German? 1 Eins, 2 Zwei, 3 Drei, 4 Vier, 5 Fünf, 6 Sechs, 7 Sieben, 8 Acht, 9 Neun, 10 Zehn, 11 Elf, 12 Zwölf. Good job!
We hope you are having fun with our shopping theme! Let’s learn about shopping in German today! Do you know what veggies are called in German? Sing along to these songs to learn both vegetable names and review some shape names, and shape and colour adjectives!
Theme Activity
Let’s accompany Peppa Pig and her family to the supermarket. What do they buy? Try to remember and tell your family member about it. Can you name all things they bought in German?
Do you know who put the chocolate cake into the shopping cart? Was it Peppa?
Why was Peppa’s dad so embarrassed? His head got really red! What do you think? Maybe, he put the cake in although he usually tells the children not to buy unhealthy food.
Take a look at Peppa’s shopping cart. It is all empty! Would you like to help her to fill it? You can draw groceries or cut out pictures and paste them or even make foodstuff from playdough to put in! Be creative!

Do you still have enough energy for more? How about colouring these lovely pictures of the 12 months and listen again to the months song while doing so?

Check back soon for our next collection of German activities! Until then, stay safe and have fun!
The Eduwings Team
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